Why digital PR skills are paramount for communicators’ survival

COVID-19 has imposed on PR pros a retreat of sorts, and with many clients dormant, an opportunity arises for recalibrating and refreshing extant skills and cultivating new processes.

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Isaac Newton purportedly invented calculus and solved the riddle of gravity in the mid-1600s as he left Trinity College for his family’s estate in the country to escape the bubonic plague.

The tale implies that in the COVID-19 world, the rest of us should achieve great things in isolation. In other words: “Get to work! Stop binge-watching Netflix!”

Well, most of us aren’t Newton, and as the The New Yorker notes, Newton was already working on calculus, gravity and other revolutions before the plague.

[RELATED: Make sure your team is up to date on the latest skills, strategies and practices. Learn more about Ragan Training.]

Newton didn’t invent or discover anything because of his isolation, but he did make great use of his time.  As many of us have lost clients—health clubs, restaurants, auto manufacturers, hotels—and can no longer host or attend events, we can use this time to update our skills.

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