Whitelisting email newsletters

To ensure you receive all newsletters coming from us, it is important to add our email domains to your personal and company ‘white-lists’. Please follow the insructions for your preferred email application.

AOL 8.0
Open your email message and click add the address icon.
Verify our contact information and save it.

AOL WebMail
Open your email message and click on our name or email address.
Click add to address book in the window that appears, and enter any additional info.
Click save.

Open the email message and right-click our email address.
Select add to address book in the short-cut menu.
Verify our contact details and click save.

Open Eudora’s Address Book (Tools, Address book)
Click on the first nickname entry to highlight it
Hold down the Shift key, now click on the last entry. All your current nicknames should be highlighted as shown below.
Now hit Control K which will bring up Make Address Book Entry window, prefilled with all of your existing nicknames. Enter the name you wish to use for your whitelist – I call mine “passlist”. Click OK and you’re done.
*** You may someday find an email in your spam box from someone that should go to your inbox. When that happens, either create a nickname for them and then add that nickname to the passlist, or else simply cut and paste their email address into your passlist.

Open your email message and click add to address book in the email header.
Use the address book editor to verify our contact details and click save.

Open your email message and click more options in the email header.
Click add sender to contact list.

Open your email message and click save address in the toolbar.
Verify our contact details and click ok.

Open the email and Ctrl-click our email address.
Select open in address book and verify our contact details.

Mozilla Thunderbird w/SpamPal
Whitelisting can be done in four ways:

  1. Use the pop3 automatic whitelist: this will whitelist non-spam email’s that you receive on a frequent basis
  2. Use the smtp automatic whitelist: which (if setup in 3.3) will whitelist all email addresses that you send out
  3. Use the Add to Whitelist option on SpamPal’s system tray: to manually whitelist your email addresses by typing in an address (or by using the dropdown box; to select from a list of recently received address):
  4. Use the SpamPal Whitelist Email Addresses page to manually whitelist your email addresses:

Outlook (2003+)
Open the email and right-click our email address.
Click Add to Outlook Contacts in the short-cut menu.
Click save and close.

Outlook (2002)
In an open email message, right-click the name next to From: in the message header, then select Add to Contacts.
In the Contact dialog box, enter as much detail as you want, then click Save and Close.

Outlook Express (6+) / Outlook (2000)
Open the email and left-click the sender icon or right-click our name.
Click add to contacts.
Click save and close.

Yahoo!< Mail
In Yahoo! mailbox select our email message, right click and select ‘Add Sender to Contacts’.
If message was filtered to Spam folder, select it there, right click and select ‘Add Sender to Contacts’ and then ‘Not Spam’.