Ragan’s 2025 Communications Benchmark Report

Executive Summary

The 2025 Ragan Communications Benchmark Report, an exclusive research project for Ragan’s Communications Leadership Council (CLC), lands at a challenging but opportune time for communicators.

Organizations find themselves at the center of a fractured societal and political discourse. At the same time, they’re grappling with a volatile business landscape and rapidly evolving technology. Geopolitical shifts, evolving AI capabilities and economic uncertainty will test communicators’ abilities in ways they haven’t been tested before.

In their capacity as strategic advisors, expert storytellers and trusted business partners, communicators have an opportunity to take on the mantle of change and shape how organizations respond to this period of volatility ­­­­— and gain greater influence in the process.

Download the executive summary for a preview of key insights and best practices from the global community of communications professionals.

Download the executive summary to read about the key findings.

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