Ragan Communications’
Salary & Workplace Culture Survey

Executive Summary

How does your pay compare to others in the industry? How are other organizations handling return to office? And are your benefits up to the industry standard?

Find the answers in Ragan’s 2024 Salary & Workplace Culture Survey Executive Summary.

Download this free overview to ensure your organization is competitive – and that you’re being paid fairly.

Download the executive summary to read about the key findings.

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    The full Salary & Workplace Culture Survey, based on a poll of more than 500 communicators, is available for purchase and to members of Ragan’s Communications Leadership Council. It includes in-depth research on salary, benefits, purpose and more.

    The Council is an elite membership group for senior-level communicators at over 200 companies worldwide including Microsoft, AbbVie, Nissan, PepsiCo, Mayo Clinic, 3M, Citi, Target and hundreds more.

    Apply to join your peers and unlock new resources.