Corporate Election Goals: Don’t Be a Political Target & Avoid Workplace Tension

Ragan and The Conference Board share insights from comms and marketing leaders on their planned communications initiatives ahead of the November elections.

In a hyperpolarized, even more divisive US election season than 2020, companies want to play it safe with their words and actions.

This report on companies’ election-related initiatives, based on a survey of 103 communications and marketing professionals by The Conference Board in collaboration with Ragan Communications, highlights how cautious, vigilant, and preemptive companies are to mitigate potential internal tensions and external attacks to protect their reputation.

This report examines:

  • The internal initiatives planned for employees ahead of elections.
  • How comms and marketing will adjust external messaging in consideration of the elections.
  • Strategies for reducing reputational risk in an election year.
  • The biggest election-related stressors and concerns for comms and marketing.
  • Changes to the business in the run-up to November.

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