The power of personalizing your internal messaging to reach specific employee segments

How Baptist Health’s Alejandro Zequeira segments internal audiences to make messages relevant and accessible to frontline hospital staff.

When comms leaders hope to grow their influence across the organization, applying the skills and competencies of other functions to your strategy is a wonderful place to start.

While marketers and PR pros intuitively understand the idea of segmenting messages to customers and external audiences, employee communicators can also use the tools afforded to them to ensure they are targeting employee groups at a smaller, more granular level.

During Ragan’s Employee Experience Conference in Nashville last month, Baptist Health Manager of Marketing and Communications Alejandro Zequeira explained how he tapped Interact’s platform to better segment his internal messaging.

Here’s what stuck out.

Personalization born from feedback

Zequeira and his team asked employees bluntly what they could do to improve how the organization communicates.

“Sometimes you get unrealistic expectations or requests, sometimes we get some valuable feedback that we can then, in turn, act upon and change things,” he said. The idea to make certain content posts only visible to certain groups or personas on Interact was born directly from this feedback.

This approach also quickly provided them with targeted information specific to distinct locations.

“If you work at a particular hospital, you’re going to get what you need to get from the system, but the moment you scroll down, you’re going to get what is important for you at your hospital,” said Zequeira. “You’re not going to hear about what’s happening at a hospital two counties up.”

This specificity has made room for employees to focus more on the things that matter to them, allowing them to dive in and spend more time on the specific, relevant content without becoming distracted or disengaged.

Ramping up the targeting strategy

While the targeting strategy was established a while back, Zequeira’s team has been ramping up its efforts to create personalization paths for specific personas.

For instance, Baptist Health’s physician group has a specific need to access information very quickly.

“They’re trained to get to the patient, help the patient, get their notes and move on to the next patient,” Zequeira explained. “They don’t have time.”

When physicians have to use multi-factor authentication to get into any internal portal, that drastically decreases the likelihood of them receiving information. Zequeira’s team realized that something as simple as making the landing page with physician medical news public helped considerably. Of course, everything there was well-regulated and safe to publish publicly.

“It’s all about tweaking your tactics,” said Zequeira.

Zequeira shares more about collaborating across business functions to drive the success of values initiatives, learnings from the metrics and more in the full power conversation:

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