‘Supercommunicators’ author Charles Duhigg on fostering deeper virtual connection

Duhigg hopped on a Zoom call with the Ragan team to chat about how we can all stand to communicate better in virtual spaces.

Charles Duhigg’s latest bestselling book, “Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection,” unpacks several case studies and concepts that examine why some people are especially adept at making meaningful connections.

Duhigg, a former New York Times investigative reporter and now a New York Times bestselling author, centers “Supercommunicators” around the idea that there are three general types of conversations:

The root of most conflict in communication, Duhigg argues, stems from people having different types of conversations at the same time. Supercommunicators have the ability to assess a conversation, the other person’s preferred conversation style and adapt accordingly.

Duhigg hopped on a Zoom call with the Ragan team to chat about how we can all stand to communicate better in virtual spaces. Here were the top takeaways of the conversation:

1. Face-to-face meetings allow us to give greater allowance to each other.

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