Writing & Content Strategy Virtual Conference

Storytelling in the AI Age

Tuesday, December 10, 2024
11 a.m.-3:30 p.m. ET

  • Superior storytelling
  • Captivating copy
  • Optimized content strategy
  • Streamlined processes
  • Creative brainstorming techniques
  • AI-enhanced writing
  • Improved productivity
  • Enhanced engagement
  • Higher ROI

Creating compelling content that hooks audiences—and search engines—remains a critical skill. According to research from Ragan and HarrisX, writing is the No. 1 most-valued skill for comms executives. It’s also the skill comms leaders say needs the most improvement on their teams.

It’s even more important today to hone your writing, as well as incorporate smart ways to pair with generative AI in your workflow to boost your output. After all, weak writing can kill your copy, campaign—or career.

Join us for this info-packed virtual writing conference where you’ll discover timeless formulas and new techniques, featuring a dozen experts from brands, nonprofits and educators. This advanced course bridges timely AI innovations with creative writing and storytelling craft—so you can balance your expertise with automated efficiency and modernize your toolkit.

You’ll discover how to innovate and elevate your approach to writing so you can truly:

  • Craft compelling content that resonates with algorithms—and audiences.
  • Refine your writing with AI tools while maintaining your voice and style.
  • Elevate your storytelling with new structures and journalistic techniques.
  • Augment your creativity, awakening your inner poet for the age of AI.
  • Transform headlines and optimize content for greater reach and engagement.
  • Enhance your content strategy with AI strengths while avoiding pitfalls.

Register to secure your spot today!


Ragan’s Virtual Writing Conference is your ultimate guide for penning powerful, snappy copy…faster! This 4.5-hour program will give you the formulas, tricks and tips you need to quickly elevate your writing skills and increase your readership.

11-11:05 a.m.
Opening Remarks and Industry Wake-Up Call
Part 1: New Foundations
11:05–11:35 a.m.
The Newsroom Edge: Principles for Copy That Captivates and Converts

The ability to craft compelling, precise and impactful writing is a more critical skill than ever—thanks to multi-screen media consumption, multitasking and information overload. This session shows you out to integrate time-tested journalistic principles and new tools to streamline your writing process, boost efficiency and capture shorter attention spans on any platform. You’ll learn:

  • Journalism Tenets: How to apply news value principles like timeliness, proximity, impact, prominence and even oddity to engage busy internal and external readers.
  • Headlines That Pop: How to craft irresistible headlines for everything you touch,
    from articles and blog posts to press releases and even emails.
  • Bold, Blooper-Free Writing: Secrets of clear, correct, concise and colorful copy—plus how to use AI and other tools for quick grammar checks and readability analysis.
  • Voice Matters: How to discover or rediscover your “can’t miss” writer’s voice—and align in with your organization’s brand voice and style guide.
  • Emotional Hot Buttons: How to identify reader interests and needs using audience analysis tools (including AI)—ensuring your copy stands out and drives action.
Writing Coach and Adjunct Faculty Member
DePaul University’s College of Communication
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11:40 a.m.–12:10 p.m.
Responsible AI-Enhanced Writing: Principles and Prompts for Powerful Prose

Communicators face unprecedented pressure to produce high-quality, engaging content at breakneck speeds across multiple platforms. This session outlines how to harness AI-assisted writing and content creation to keep pace and meet these demands without sacrificing quality or creativity—from setting clear goals before you prompt, to smarter prompt engineering. You’ll learn to responsibly integrate tools like ChatGPT and Claude into your writing while maintaining your voice. We’ll cover:

  • AI Toolkit: A look at the capabilities of top Gen AI writing tools like ChatGPT, Claude, Grammarly and alternatives like ProWritingAid —including next steps.
  • AI-Powered Planning: Why it's critical to start with clear goals for your AI usage—plus tips for using AI to spark big ideas and cut planning time in half.
  • AI Prompts Made Simple: How to craft and iterate precise, effective prompts to generate more creative and engaging content.
  • Your AI Assistant: How to develop an AI assistant or GPT to help you with writing and content creation tasks—including editing and proofreading.
  • Ethical AI Writing: Best practices for addressing potential biases, ensuring factual accuracy and disclosing AI use while maintaining the integrity of your writing.
Strategy Lead for Responsible Tech
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12:10-12:20 p.m.
Short Break
Part 2: From Algorithms to Audiences
12:20-12:50 p.m.
SEO Writing Essentials: Crafting Content that Ranks and Resonates

Staying on top of the latest SEO trends is crucial in the always-evolving world of digital marketing. With search engines updating their algorithms almost weekly, you don’t have time for outdated SEO fundamentals or esoteric strategies. This session is the brass tacks SEO cheat sheet you need to stay current—so your content engages your audiences and climbs the search rankings. Join us to learn:

  • Current SEO Trends: The latest developments and algorithm updates reshaping SEO—including social search, voice search, user intent analysis and more.
  • Creating Quality E-A-T Content: How to produce content that meets Google’s “Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness” guidelines to improve rankings.
  • Keyword Research: Tools and techniques others use to identify and incorporate the right search terms to target audiences more effectively.
  • SEO Next Practices for Writers: Tips and checklists for quickly optimizing your writing—including using headers, concise language, bullet points and more.
  • The AI Question: How AI is helping—and potentially hurting—SEO with content generation, predictive analytics and automated keyword research.
Digital Communications Specialist
Federal Student Aid, an Office of the U.S. Department of Education
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12:55-1:25 p.m.
Click Me! Creating Viral Hero Content—from Intranets to Social Media

Gone are the days where your internal comms message stays in your intranet silo—or your social media post doesn’t get shared internally. Today, content is consumed across multiple platforms—which is why crafting highly shareable hero content that can be repurposed is a game-changer. This session explores how to craft killer cornerstone content for your brand and adapt it for various channels. You’ll learn:

  • Secrets of “Click Me!” Copy: How to write clear, colorful, concise and cool content that drives engagement across internal and external platforms.
  • Hero Content Creation: How to produce compelling cornerstone content and repurpose it for different channels—from intranets and emails to social media.
  • Engagement Boosters: New strategies to increase shareability—including snappy headlines, listicles and gamification elements that work across platforms.
  • AI-Powered Personalization: How AI tools can help segment audiences and tailor hero content for different user journeys—boosting relevant and impact.
  • Inclusive Content Matters: Techniques for creating accessible, diverse and inclusive hero content—ensuring your message resonates with all audiences.
Head of Communications
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Associate Director, Internal Communications and Employee Engagement
University of Utah Health
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1:30-2:00 p.m.
The Art of Self-Editing: Secrets Authors Use to Refine Their Work

The accelerated pace of digital comms puts pressure on writers to publish quickly—often at the expense of quality. Yet we’re expected to produce perfect prose posthaste. This session helps you meet those demands with a self-editing system that blends traditional techniques that even the best book authors use, along with AI tools. You’ll discover how to PROOF your work like a pro—ensuring polished, error-free copy that beats expectations. We’ll explore how to:

  • Perfect Your Style: Tips to create your own tailored style guide and a quick-reference checklist for consistent, clear and accurate writing.
  • Review with Fresh Eyes: Why we often miss our own errors—plus easy techniques to gain fresh perspectives on our copy.
  • Optimize with AI: Top AI tools for editing—and how to use them effectively without abdicating your voice, expertise or ownership.
  • Overcome Common Pitfalls: Easy ways to spot and fix frequent writing errors and editorial pet peeves.
  • Facilitate Collaborative Editing: Insights to transform group editing into a productive process—plus how to tactfully edit your boss’s work (or take their notes on yours).
Emerald Lake Books
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Co-Founder and Senior Partner
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2:00-2:10 p.m.
Short Break
Part 3: Storytelling & Beyond
2:10-2:45 p.m.
Brand Storytelling: Frameworks to Move Audiences (and the Bottom Line)

Studies show that stories are 22 times more memorable than facts alone. Yet many communicators lack a structured approach to consistently create compelling narratives. This session gives you proven frameworks and techniques to craft emotionally resonant stories that capture imaginations—and drive action. Join us to discover how to touch emotional chords and create lasting connections using the art and science of storytelling. You’ll learn:

  • The Hero’s Journey: How to implement this timeless structure to engage audiences across all channels (with examples from iconic brands and movies).
  • StoryBrand Framework: A look at Donald Miller’s 7-part approach to clarify your message, solve audience problems and drive action with compelling CTAs.
  • Emotional Storytelling: How to leverage emotional engagement techniques and tools like “Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions” to create unforgettable narratives.
  • Organizational Storytelling: How to uncover, craft and share powerful internal stories that highlight challenges, celebrate wins and reinforce company culture.
  • AI Collaboration: How AI tools can amplify your storytelling—from ideation and character arcs to optimizing structure for maximum impact.
2:50-3:25 p.m.
Mundane to Magnificent: Adding Creativity and Joy Back to Your Writing

Let’s dive into a world where business acumen meets artistic flair! In this session, you’ll discover poetic techniques and quick creative hacks to transform your writing from mundane to magnificent. You’ll learn to wield metaphors and more, giving your words the power to dance off the page and into the hearts of your readers. If you’re ready boost your results and engagement rates with poetic punch, this is the place to be. We’ll cover:

  • Neuroscience of Creativity: How creative writing enhances problem-solving and emotional intelligence—and how to apply it to your current project.
  • The Poet’s Toolkit for Pros: How to use metaphors, similes and sensory language to craft vivid content that audiences can’t ignore.
  • Resonance Through Rhythm: How cadence and sentence variation can evoke emotions—and make your communications unforgettable.
  • Visual Storytelling: How to sharpen your “writing for the eyes” skills to paint mental pictures and bring abstract concepts to life.
  • Creativity under Pressure: Techniques to beat writer’s block, silence your inner critic and transform constraints into creative fuel (yes, AI can help!).
Poet, Author, Communications Strategist
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3:25-3:30 pm
Best Take-Aways of the Day

We’ll share the top tactics and strategies from the virtual conference as you prepare to implement these ideas for your organization.


Emerald Lake Books
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Poet, Author, Communications Strategist
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Head of Communications
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Strategy Lead for Responsible Tech
Read bio

Digital Communications Specialist
Federal Student Aid, an Office of the U.S. Department of Education
Read bio
Writing Coach and Adjunct Faculty Member
DePaul University’s College of Communication
Read bio
Associate Director, Internal Communications and Employee Engagement
University of Utah Health
Read bio
Co-Founder and Senior Partner
Read bio



Please reach out to Director of Event Programming
Alyssa Smith.

Top things you’ll learn at this conference:

  • Mastering AI-Enhanced Writing: How to leverage AI tools to streamline your writing process, enhance creativity and boost efficiency.
  • Crafting Compelling Brand Stories: Techniques to create emotionally resonant narratives that captivate audiences and drive engagement, whether for internal or external comms.
  • Optimizing Content for Multiple Channels: How to create and adapt “hero content” that performs well across diverse platforms—from intranets to social media.
  • Elevating Your Editing: A foolproof system for self-editing that blends traditional techniques with AI tools, ensuring polished, error-free copy that meets tight deadlines.
  • Enhancing Creativity and Impact: Poetic techniques and creative hacks to transform your writing from mundane to magnificent, adding flair and joy back into your writing process.


Register now for Ragan's Writing and Content Strategy:
VIP Regular Rates
Virtual Conference Registration $1,399 $1,599
Virtual Conference Ragan Insider Member $1,349 $1,549
Nonprofit/Gov Event Registration $1,299 $1,499

All attendees will receive the recording of the event.

Group Discounts

Would you and your team like to attend? Group pricing for 3 or more is available when going through the registration process!


Membership includes free registration passes. Contact Shallon Blackburn for more information on becoming a member.
Ragan Insider Logo

Insiders save on all Ragan events. Not a Ragan Insider? You can become one during registration for this event!

Phone registrations and group pricing: For group orders, please contact our customer service team at 800-878-5331 or cservice@ragan.com

Register to secure your spot today! Don’t miss this opportunity to:

  • Access exclusive content and resources.
  • Connect with your peers.
  • Get the ideas & tools to stay ahead in today’s rapidly changing world.


Register today. Once registered, you’ll be able to join the private LinkedIn group right away.

  • Checklist: The AI Writing Prompt Flowchart
  • The Clear and Concise Technical Writing Guide
  • Strunk & White’s Timeless Secrets for Rocket-Powered Writing
  • Why and How to Create an In-House Style Guide
  • Bias-Free Writing: What’s Preferred and What’s Problematic
  • The Art of Storytelling (A Practical Guide)

Sponsors & Partners

Want to become a sponsor? Get in touch with our team to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

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Who Should Attend?

You should register if you spend at least a quarter of your time in any of these areas:

Writing • Editing • Content Strategy • Storytelling • Brand Journalism • Internal Communications • Executive Communications • Employee Engagement• Social Media • Public Relations • Digital Marketing • Content Marketing • Community Management • Crisis Communications • Corporate Communications • Strategic Communications • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Communications

Writing and Content Strategy Certificate

Get Recognized!

Each registration comes with a personalized "Writing and Content Strategy" Certificate of Completion for attending.



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