Proud of your internal comms work this year? Send us your case study!
We’re compiling the most outstanding employee communications initiatives and campaigns from the past 12 months for an upcoming guidebook, and we want you to be part of it.

As happy as we all are to see 2020 come to a close, the work communicators have done this year has been remarkable. We want to showcase those efforts.
We are seeking case studies for an upcoming guidebook—Ragan’s Top Case Studies in Employee Communications & Culture—that will compile the most outstanding employee communications initiatives and campaigns from the past 12 months. Showcase how your company has elevated the employee experience, created a culture of diversity and inclusion, and fostered a highly productive and happy workforce.
Ragan’s Top Case Studies in Employee Communications & Culture will feature case studies written by industry communicators and the Ragan editorial staff. We’re looking for 600-800 word articles that succinctly share “how you did it” on the employee comms front—whether it’s a COVID-19 communications campaign, social justice initiative, employee benefits or wellness campaign, thought leadership campaign and countless other great work for internal communicators! We are looking for case studies of initiatives that occurred in 2020.
As a contributor, you will receive a copy of the guidebook, and recognition in the book and in marketing/promotional materials. The book will be marketed to more than 100,000 communications and HR professionals worldwide.
Please email us your idea for review at by Jan. 8. Articles will be due by Feb. 12, 2021. The guidebook is slated to be published in late March 2021.
Case study idea submission guidelines:
- Email us by Jan. 8 with the subject line: Case Study Idea
- Include in 100 words or less what you’d like to write about for your case study. Include the name of the writer/contributor, company name and campaign/initiative name.
- The case study should focus on initiative/campaign from 2020.
- Your article must be original, not previously published.
We can’t wait to read your submissions!