Video tips for internal communicators
Video can be an effective and engaging way for organizations to communicate with their employees. Keep these tips in mind to make the most of this communication channel.
Video can be an effective and engaging way for organizations to communicate with their employees. Keep these tips in mind to make the most of this communication channel.
Curious how your peers use email to reach employees? Which messages work best? How to stop email overload? We’ll get the answers.
Marketers target specific audiences with certain messages, and internal communicators should be doing the same. Here’s one way they can.
Most organizations measure internal communications, but most are dissatisfied with the results, a new survey reveals. Why is that?
News releases don’t always get the job done like they used to. Here’s how social media, blogs and other methods can help you spread your news instead.
Spring is the perfect time for an audit of your daily habits. Make sure you include these five tasks in this mix.
Spring is the perfect time for an audit of your daily habits. Make sure you include these five tasks in this mix.
The five problems you will likely encounter when faced with a prolonged crisis on a global scale.
When you’re gleaning quotes and information from clients or colleagues, these techniques will help your subjects relax and help you tell their story with ease.
Cutting excess words is the start. Begin with a call to action, keep details relevant, and don’t send messages to people who really don’t have to be in the loop.
Kelly Blazek, one of the International Association of Business Communicators’ communicators of the year last year, pulled no punches with people seeking to join her Cleveland-area job list.
Strategic video communications firm D S Simon Productions asked about 300 journalists whether their outlets accept brand journalism pieces and outside videos. Most say they do.
Health enews draws reporters from CNN and the Chicago Tribune, and wins retweets from actress Christina Applegate. And a flood of potential patients are reading it.
The search-engine-optimized social media newsroom platform enables you to take control of your website—even without HTML knowhow.
A look back at the winners and sinners of the year in the media.