10 crisis communication steps when you don’t have a plan
Has a bad situation caught you flat-footed? Here are some tips for addressing your immediate concerns.
Has a bad situation caught you flat-footed? Here are some tips for addressing your immediate concerns.
Communicators should bear in mind key cultural differences and adapt their crisis messages accordingly to engage a worldwide workforce. And speakers, watch your speed and diction.
If you’ve just been communicating by the seat of your pants, waiting for the pandemic to end, take time to codify and clarify your strategy.
It’s bound to happen at some point: A data breach will occur, or perhaps some other calamity. Heed these warnings so you’re not caught flatfooted.
It’s a new year and many organizations have a positive outlook. However, plenty can still go wrong, and savvy pros should take precautions.
The characters from Hawkins, Indiana, are fighting a crisis of epic proportions, but you can apply takeaways from them in your own reputation management efforts. Consider these lessons.
Called ‘the most hated man in America,’ the mocking tone of the pharmaceutical boss changed after he was sentenced to seven years in prison. Here’s what you can learn from his missteps.
Formulate your plan before a situation goes haywire. To survive intact, make sure your colleagues are aware of your response plan and equipped with approved messaging.
In today’s lightning-fast social media environment, a proactive approach is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. Follow these protocols for snuffing out the sparks of controversy.
You can’t prevent false allegations, but you can douse the firestorm by responding quickly, keeping colleagues on the same page and enlisting your community to help.
Being prepared for an online firestorm or PR disaster can mean the difference between a destroyed reputation or your organization’s ability to bounce back. Follow this advice.
The airline has delivered a master class in mishandling a PR firestorm over a passenger it had ‘re-accommodated’ on a recent flight. What can communicators learn from this debacle?
Do you manage PR emergencies with the grace of the gladiators on “Scandal”? Do you create sustainability initiatives that would make Leo DiCaprio weep with appreciation? Enter Ragan’s 2016 PR Daily Awards. Final deadline: Nov. 30.
PR pros must launch their plans of attack within the first 48 minutes after a crisis to ensure that they can take control of their situations. Here’s what you should keep in mind.
When you’re scrambling to save face after a disaster, remind your leaders to demonstrate these five behaviors.