Is your presentation bombing? How to fix it on the fly
Your audience is zoning out, maybe even walking out. Don’t panic; you can get them back with three simple steps.
Your audience looks lost or bored or, worse, both. Heck, this presentation is going so poorly even you are bored by you.
I’ve been in this situation. Do not despair. It is not a total loss. You can save your presentation.
Here are three steps to help you adapt on the fly and mend your relationship with the audience.
Step 1: Face the music
First, do a perception check. Have you really lost your audience, or are there just two or three people giving you the stink-eye? If it is just a couple, ignore those jerks. Focus on the members of the audience who are engaged and listening. However, if a large portion of the audience looks lost, it’s time to face the music. Acknowledge that you’ve lost them. “Looking at you, I’m seeing some confused expressions.”
That will get their attention because you are paying attention to them.
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