How to market using social media without getting sued
In the ever-changing online world, new hazards emerge that can turn your hard-earned revenue into devastating legal fees. Here are helpful guidelines to keep you out of the courtroom.
Since then, some fundamental legal principles have stayed the same, but new issues have emerged as technology develops.
Here’s an update, so you can keep your marketing on the right side of the law:
This section of the original article holds up. If you want to use someone else’s creative work (picture, drawing, poem, article, etc.), get permission first.
Rather than copying and pasting someone else’s article or upload their photo or video on your own site, link to their work from your site. You can introduce the topic or explain why you think the content will help your audience, then provide a link to the original source.
As an attorney, I often hear questions about “fair use,” so let me clarify that concept. “Fair use” is a defense to a claim of copyright infringement. You don’t get to discuss “fair use” until you’ve been sued, and lawsuits are expensive.
Don’t worry about how much you might legally be able to get away with using, or under what circumstances using someone else’s work is legal. Just don’t do it. You’re running a business, so avoid litigation. You don’t want to burn your hard-earned revenue on legal fees.
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