How dating advice makes you a better writer
Have you ever been told how to act on a first date? That advice can improve your writing skills.
Believe it or not, the rules to attract new love can also help to attract new business. It’s all about making a great first impression.
1. Avoid “too much information.”
Don’t do a “data dump” upon first contact. It’s overwhelming and, almost always, a turnoff. What does your audience need to know? What will leave them wanting more? What will motivate them to call you again?
2. Don’t talk about relationships gone bad.
Unhappy customers? Product defects? Share snippets if you’re asked. But don’t volunteer this info freely. Save the negative stuff for another day.
3. Be yourself.
Show personality. But don’t go overboard. Excessive exclamation marks are excessive!!!!!!! AVOID BELLOWING ALL-CAPS. And did you know one question mark is enough to end a question???? In other words, don’t try too hard to make people like you.
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