Gen Y forces workplaces to evolve. Has yours?
From open floor plans to online collaboration to the fast-fading annual review, in the workplace the times, they are a-changin’.
There’s a lot of talk about Generation Y’s entrance into the workplace. There are accusations that millennials are lazy and spoiled, as well as criticism about their desire to have a flexible working environment and social media access.
Nevertheless, workplaces everywhere are changing and evolving as Generation Y elevates its profile. Your office is probably one of them. One major change lies in internal communications.
Not only do many Gen Y employees not want to work in an office at all, but if they do so, they want an open flow of communication. There are multiple aspects to alter, from office design to communication norms.
The office vibe
Long gone are the days of spending eight hours in dreary, dimly lit cubicles. Generation Y does not define success as a 9-to-5 job, working alone at a desk. Collaboration has become increasingly important. Employees want open space, with few walls, if any, between them and their co-workers. To encourage teamwork, consider the overall design of the office.
Technology at their fingertips
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