4 possible reasons why your article submission was rejected
It might be that the writing was wordy, too self-promotional or just plain bad.
It might be that the writing was wordy, too self-promotional or just plain bad.
Your mea culpa should not be the hypothetical, ‘If you were offended…’ Instead, own up to your miscue and express your contrition, and be quick about it.
Modern messaging relies on storytelling, and vivid language lies at the heart of the most compelling yarns. Here’s guidance on how to use playful, vibrant prose to superb effect.
These resources will help you keep your text lean, clean and accessible for your audience.
Is your love of writing on the ropes? Here are some fun ways to boost your skills.
As Halloween looms, we might think this word describes goblins, fiends and other hellions. Not so. It refers to Hoosiers and Yoopers and Yanks (oh, my!)—people hailing from particular locales.
Looking to add heat to your content creation efforts? Here are potential title templates to help generate story ideas for your organization.
To keep your content train chugging forward, try penning posts that are useful, generous, timely or even controversial.
Effective usage is not simply about avoiding the wrong term or phrase. Precision and power rev up your text and keep readers driving on to the finish line: your overarching message.
A thank-you note, crafted by your own hand, delivers meaning beyond its text. Using pen and paper for your writing encourages a freer flow of ideas. Consider these and other benefits.
Is your client truly ‘pleased/excited/proud/thrilled/honored/delighted/happy to announce’ anything? Research finds those trite terms in 38% of releases. Here’s how to do better.
Everybody’s trying to write tighter these days. Start with paring wordy, repetitive quotes—even if it’s the CEO who is speaking.
It’s not about turning sambas into similes, but more about deriving lessons from processes and presentation, as contestants up their game in a competitive field. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Use concise sentences, embed compelling visuals, and link teaser text to longer pieces on your intranet.
Linguistic sound-alikes and errant prefixes often confuse readers and jeopardize their faith in what the author wants to impart. Here’s the first installment on judicious word selection.