9 communications lessons from Bob Dylan
Trust your gut. Boldly innovate. Rebrand. PR pros and other communicators find inspiration from America’s newest Nobel laureate.
Trust your gut. Boldly innovate. Rebrand. PR pros and other communicators find inspiration from America’s newest Nobel laureate.
Telecommuting is far easier now than it was even a few years ago. Here’s how to make remote work feasible for your staff and even profitable for your organization.
Even savvy communicators can get confused by the lingo of their co-workers in technology support departments. This guide can help.
From insights on writing fundamentals to guidance on standing out amid the online cacophony, these tomes deliver helpful advice for communicators.
Hitting a home run to tie the game in the bottom of the ninth inning isn’t impossible in baseball—or public relations. During crunch time, consider these few similarities.
Even in October, a bit of a summer hangover persists. Here’s how to shake it off and rev up your efficiency through the holidays and on into 2017.
Lighten up your day with some humor about bad pitches, venting about clients or co-workers and memes.
Tired of hearing about the importance of ‘work/life balance?’ Perhaps you’re tired of working 60-hour weeks. Here’s how to cut back, along with a list of available jobs to scan.
Words of wisdom will stick in your head and, without your realizing it, can end up in an article or blog post under your byline. Diligence and software can keep you out of hot water.
Ever been criticized for having too many jobs on your résumé? Experts say job hopping could actually be a positive. Here’s how—along with a list of open positions to consider.
Technology has made telecommuting increasingly common for businesses large and small. Human interaction and collaboration needn’t suffer, though. Try these approaches.
Credibility is essential to effective messaging. Avoid turning your 14-karat copy into fool’s gold with a whimsical typeface.
Emerging PR pros should consider expanding their job searches to include a few lesser-known metropolises. Here are the hottest cities for millennial workers—and jobs to browse.
You might think you’re a pleasant person to converse with, but others might feel differently. Here’s a fun way to find out whether your conversation skills are on point or seriously lacking.
Are artificial intelligence programs replacing human resources departments? Some HR managers say yes. Here’s why—along with available communications jobs to peruse.