Navigating AMEC’s new framework for measurement
To align your work with the Barcelona Principles, you should get to know this interactive metrics protocol. It’s not the easiest interface, so here’s some help in getting started.
To align your work with the Barcelona Principles, you should get to know this interactive metrics protocol. It’s not the easiest interface, so here’s some help in getting started.
Bogged down in approvals and other time-consuming tasks? A free guide explains how to carve out time.
Whether it’s juggling several reporting tools or educating staff on how to analyze results, communicators everywhere face steep measurement challenges. Here are some of the most common.
Videos guide viewers through a journey—from initial brand awareness through customer conversion to advocacy. Try these techniques to gauge their efficacy every step of the way.
Measuring your work is essential, but on a hectic workday, it’s easy to push metrics to the back burner. This handy checklist will keep you focused and on task.
An organization’s online presence doesn’t come from a standalone department. CMOs offer tips for marketing pros to bridge the gap and improve communication.
Up your PR game using BuzzFeed’s measurement mindset, which adjusts depending on content type, desired audience behavior and changing consumer tastes.
To begin with, frame it as gathering data for making smarter business decisions, rather than as justification for your own existence.
Google Analytics is a wonderful way to track your website’s page views and visitor experience, but another option might serve your organization better.
Monitoring of visuals, the emergence of data throttling and the demise of the bundling board are just some hallmarks of the past year.
It does you little good to find out in December that your efforts last February went awry. For the health of your organization, you’re far better off taking your comms temperature frequently.
The occasional poll to see how staffers like the new features in your newsletter isn’t enough anymore. Check out these metrics to see whether your messaging is working.
Only 50 percent of social media marketers say metrics inform their strategies, and a mere 21 percent of content marketers measure ROI. If this sounds like you, this infographic can help.
Measuring the ROI of your efforts can be tricky, but these steps can help you figure out what works and what doesn’t, as well as proving their worth to the higher-ups who set budgets.
Measuring the ROI of your efforts can be tricky, but these steps can help you figure out what works and what doesn’t, as well as proving their worth to the higher-ups who set budgets.