Why and how to use handwritten notes in business
A thank-you note, crafted by your own hand, delivers meaning beyond its text. Using pen and paper for your writing encourages a freer flow of ideas. Consider these and other benefits.
A thank-you note, crafted by your own hand, delivers meaning beyond its text. Using pen and paper for your writing encourages a freer flow of ideas. Consider these and other benefits.
Given the sociopolitical rollercoaster we’re all riding, bringing calm to and maintaining integrity within your workplace culture are exceedingly challenging and supremely important.
Look at the sunny side of messes, embrace your lack of total control, and don’t be afraid to let your colleagues cry it out.
Metrics, metrics, metrics. They can be daunting, but they’re essential for gaining a seat at the table. So is speaking the top executives’ language. Time to hone your math and verbal skills.
The company cut ties with an employee whose viral TikTok video showed its frozen pasta being warmed in hot water before being served. Here’s how it could have seized a chance to shine.
Despite plenty of data on a lack of two-way communication, decision-sharing, gender parity and other issues, the performance of many industry leaders hasn’t improved. The question is: Why?
Keep it brief. Use images. Have fun. And tear down that intimidating Berlin Wall of text.
Even in the age of fleeting attention and endless scrolling, some stories still need to be longer than a tweet.
The answer is not more ‘touchpoints’ or ‘connectivity.’ Focus on doing fewer things, and shed the extraneous stuff that’s not driving substantive results.
Thoughtfully segment internal audiences, create worthwhile content, and prioritize employee feedback.
Competition in today’s marketplace is fierce, and employees increasingly are demanding a say. Find out how to transform your organization.
Internal communication becomes even more crucial as incoming staffers arrive and established employees adapt to new colleagues—and perhaps new office spaces and protocols.
Lack of upfront research, misalignment with business objectives, and a failure to segment internal audiences are among the fatal flaws that undermine best intentions.
‘We absolutely have to make our content snackable,’ Kristin Graham tells a packed conference audience. Stats show the alarming level of distraction, but she offers key ways to break through.
The way your company communicates with employees is just as important as how it speaks to customers. Avoid these five messaging mistakes that will quickly alienate workers.