Benchmark your email with big data
A free PoliteMail download offers conclusions drawn from analyzing 600 million emails. Find out what metrics matter in making your most important channel a success.
A free PoliteMail download offers conclusions drawn from analyzing 600 million emails. Find out what metrics matter in making your most important channel a success.
Though the average consumer’s inbox is more crowded than ever, a good email campaign can offer plenty of power for some communicators. Consider this graphic.
Organize your text, limit each message to a single topic, avoid jargon and redundancies and, for Pete’s sake, double-check names and spellings. Oh, and when you can, make a phone call.
What do your employees want to read? It varies by job title, industry sector and experience, among other factors. So, ask them. Then you can be more precise with your in-house emails.
Email is still one of the most effective tools communicators have, but new laws and bad habits mean marketers and communicators must always work to widen their audience. Here’s how.
How will you make your email campaigns stand out in overcrowded inboxes? Here are some design tips to help your efforts cut through the noise.
Keep your content short, make messages visual, and tuck top tips into a tidy digest.
How you spend the first 10 minutes in the office can mean the difference between an efficient or deficient workday. Don’t let YouTube, a comfy chair or email derail your schedule.
Are you making new connections with your efforts or just burning through contacts and ruining your sender reputation? Here are crucial steps to take when emailing this year.
A new guide offers tactics that will boost your attention rate and make your messaging something that employees heed.
Pay close attention to privacy legislation, beware of widespread vendor consolidation, and prioritize fast-loading mobile pages.
Pinpoint its value to your specific audience, keep it clear and concise, and experiment with infographics and other formats.
It’s within your grasp to get better email attention rates today. A free guide reveals all the essentials, from smarter subject lines to tricks for mobile design.
For internal and external communicators alike, the workweek is jammed with an array of challenges and responsibilities. Our peers in the field offer these insights and tech helpers.
Given the flood of messages people receive in the course of a day, yours requires key elements to stand out in their brimming inboxes. Try these approaches.