Busting some common job search myths
The recruiting game has changed, as have the rules for jobseekers. Here are seven particularly antiquated notions to scrap.

As “The Great Resignation” rolls on, corporate America is starting to resemble a massive game of musical chairs.
It may not be as intense as “Squid Game,” but the stakes are still high for companies increasingly desperate to keep staffers on board—and for workers, who are seizing this unique opportunity to find more meaningful work (increased pay and benefits, too).
If you’re one of the millions who’s searching for a more desirable “chair,” Flexjobs offers seven pieces of outdated job search advice to consider—along with alternative suggestions. We distill the guidance below, and bust some common job searching myths along the way:
Myth No. 1: Your resume should be only one page long.
Look, a recruiter’s not going to read multiple pages’ worth of your experience and accomplishments. But you don’t want your CV to be too skimpy, either. Alas, there’s no magic number here. Focus on quality not quantity.
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