Call for Entries Deadline:

This program is now closed.

Learn more about current programs here.

Honor the Champions of Workplace Excellence!

Human Resource professionals are the backbone of every organization! They ensure workplace quality, culture, productivity, and employee health and morale are at their best every day. Ragan’s Top Women in HR Awards celebrates these exceptional women who excel in this vital role.

Why nominate? This is your chance to elevate the organizational impact of Human Resources, and promote female advancement in the field. By nominating your colleagues, clients, or yourself, you shine a spotlight on the women who make their workplaces better.

Submit your nominations today and celebrate the transformational women leaders in Human Resources!



 Hall of Fame

This category honors women with a lifetime of outstanding contributions to the field of Human Resources. Share the lifetime achievements that reflect her influential career.

 Assistant of the Year

This category celebrates an exceptional assistant whose dedication and support have significantly enhanced their HR team's effectiveness.

 Bridge Builder

This category recognizes women who excel in fostering collaboration and building strong relationships across departments or organizations.

 CEO of the Year

This category honors a CEO who demonstrates exceptional leadership and commitment to advancing HR practices within their company.

 Director of the Year

This category recognizes a director who has shown outstanding leadership and strategic vision in the field of Human Resources.

 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Leader

This category celebrates women who lead impactful initiatives that promote diversity, equity and inclusion within their organizations.

 Dynamic Do-er

This category honors women known for their proactive approach and ability to drive significant HR projects and initiatives to completion.

 Employee Engagement Leader

This category honors women who excel in creating initiatives that significantly boost employee engagement and satisfaction within their organizations.

 Employee Relations Leader

 Environmental Champion

This category celebrates women who lead initiatives that promote environmental sustainability and responsibility within their organizations.

 Executive Coach

This category recognizes women who provide exceptional coaching and guidance to executives, enhancing their leadership and performance.

 Financial Wellness Leader

This category celebrates women who champion financial wellness programs that improve employees' financial health and security.

 HR Communicator of the Year

This category honors women who excel in effectively communicating HR policies, programs and initiatives to employees.


This category recognizes women who bring innovative ideas and approaches to the field of Human Resources.

 Learning & Development Leader

This category celebrates women who excel in creating and implementing effective learning and development programs for employees.

 Manager of the Year

This category honors a manager whose exceptional leadership and HR skills have significantly benefited their team and organization.

 Mental Health Leader

This category recognizes women who lead initiatives that support and improve employees' mental health and wellbeing.


This category celebrates women who show exceptional growth and potential through mentorship in the HR field.


This category honors women who provide outstanding mentorship and guidance to others in the HR profession.

 Rewards & Benefits Leader

This category recognizes women who excel in designing and managing effective rewards and benefits programs for employees.

 Rising Star (Age 30 or Under)

This category celebrates young women who show exceptional promise and achievement in the field of Human Resources.

 Social Wellbeing Leader

This category honors women who promote social wellbeing and foster a supportive community within the workplace.


This category recognizes women who excel in developing and implementing effective HR strategies that drive organizational success.

 Talent Acquisition & Retention Leader

This category celebrates women who excel in attracting, hiring and retaining top talent within their organizations.

 Team Leader

This category honors women who demonstrate exceptional leadership and management of their HR teams.

 Technology Whiz

This category recognizes women who excel in using HR technology to improve processes and enhance organizational efficiency.


This category celebrates women who pioneer new paths and drive significant change in the field of Human Resources.


This category honors women who demonstrate forward-thinking and innovative vision in the HR field.

 Wellbeing Leader

This category recognizes women who lead comprehensive wellbeing programs that support the holistic health of employees.

 Workplace Culture Leader

This category celebrates women who excel in creating and nurturing a positive and inclusive workplace culture.

 Workplace Safety Leader

This category honors women who lead initiatives that ensure a safe and healthy work environment for all employees.


  • Choose a category that best describes the nominee and submit your short essay along with any supporting materials you feel will be helpful to the judges.
  • We encourage you to include press releases, design concepts, videos, analytics, testimonials and anything else you feel will give us a better sense of the nominee's work. Proprietary or internal information can also be attached and will not be shared with the public.
  • Ragan’s panel of judges will select multiple honorees from each category and reserves the right to place your nominee in the category that best fits her accomplishments.


  • The nominee must work in a human resource role or spend at least 50% of her time in HR.
  • You can self-nominate or nominate a client or colleague from your organization or another organization.
  • You may submit nominees into more than one category for consideration.
  • You can nominate up to 10 women.
  • Hall of Fame entries honor lifetime achievements. All other entries reflect the nominee’s successes in the past 12 months.
  • This is a global award; nominations are accepted from all countries.

This year’s program is open to any work executed between Aug. 1, 2023, and Aug. 1, 2024, inclusive.


The fee for this program is $525 per entry.

A late fee of $275 per entry will be added to all entries received after 11:59 p.m. Central time, August 2, 2024.

All entries are non-returnable and non-refundable.

W-9 Form / Tax ID Number Request

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should you apply?
It is increasingly important to recognize the important role of HR within an organization. This awards program allows you to prove your value or the value of your clients or colleagues. A Top Women in HR award reflects on the entire organization. Honorees in the program earn publicity for themselves and their company or client’s company across our websites and social media audiences, a custom write-up about their work, a digital badge to tout their recognition, an elegant trophy and more.
Who can enter?
We accept nominations on behalf of female HR leaders worldwide. The nominee must work in a human resource role or spend at least 50% of her time in HR. You can self-nominate or nominate a client or colleague from your organization or another organization. Entries must be submitted in English. See the Eligibility Requirements for additional details.
What does it take to be a winner?
We look for clearly articulated submissions that showcase why the nominee is deserving of this honor. Supporting materials, such as examples of the nominees’ work, client or colleague testimonials, or a LinkedIn profile are helpful. Please look at our Past Winners to see what gets recognized and rewarded.
What are the entry requirements?
The entry form requires that you submit a synopsis of the honoree, including her current role, achievements in the past 12 months, and justification for why she should be recognized as a Top Woman in HR. See How to Enter for additional details.
Why are some deadlines extended?
We extend deadlines based on applicant needs and upcoming promotional opportunities.
When will I find out results?
Honorees will be announced in winter 2024. Announcements will be made with a headline on our website, in our daily email newsletter and on our social media platforms. Emails notify entrants in advance of these announcements. As deadlines are extended, so are expected announcement dates.

Additional Questions

If you have any questions about the program or problems submitting your entry, please email Brendan Gannon.

Sponsorship Opportunities

If you are interested in sponsoring one of Ragan Communications’ award programs, please contact Morgan Einspanier.

Ragan Communications is not responsible for international shipping fees related to trophies.