Molina Healthcare creates an employee workout movement
Employee ambassadors spread the word about #WorkoutWednesday externally.

Getting employees engaged in a health-and-wellness effort is no easy task. At Molina Healthcare, the internal communications team found a way to make participation easier for employees whether they were office workers or remote staff. Their success has earned first place in the “Health and Fitness Program” Category of Ragan’s 2016 Employee Communications Awards.
The program, #WorkoutWednesday, established a pattern of behavior and promoted simple activities employees could incorporate into their workday routines. Delivered entirely over MySite, the Molina intranet, the campaign wound up not only encouraging employees to participate, but driving additional traffic to the intranet.
Among the content created were workout tips like “Park your car in the furthest spot from the door,” and “Move meetings outside.” The campaign was not a one-way effort; employees were encouraged to contribute their own tips and asked to nominate a #WorkoutWarrior who inspired them over the course of the seven-week campaign. They could download and print posters from the intranet to hang at local facilities; incentives were offered, including Nike gift cards and organizational logo items.
A wrap-up video summarized the program and recognized the top #WorkoutWarriors. Not only did the campaign produce more than 500 comments on the weekly intranet articles and more than 12,000 views of those articles, employee comments about the campaign externally reached 2.3 million people and made 16.4 million social media impressions.
Congratulations to the communications team of Christina Fumia, Robert Drum and Bianca Portillo.
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