5 ways you’re sabotaging your PR efforts
If you promise ‘exclusives’ to several reporters at once or write multiple-page press releases, you may be your own worst enemy.

1. You send out too many press releases.
Let’s face it, no matter how terrific your company is, you don’t have something newsworthy every single day. Yes, I’m an advocate of the leaky faucet approach to PR—a method where you send out newsworthy press releases on a regular basis to eventually get coverage—but the key word is “newsworthy.”
Save your press releases for when you truly have something great. Reporters will be more likely to take notice.
2. Your press releases are too long.
You might think bigger is better, but that isn’t the case with press releases. Readers don’t have time to sift through a four-page release to get to the details. They want quick and easy facts. Get to the point—fast.
3. You don’t stay true to your word.
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