Infographic: Social media jobs increased 1,300 percent since 2010
And more than 5 million LinkedIn users have endorsements for social media skills. The social media industry has come a long way in a short time, and this graphic has the details.

Do you remember when companies delegated social media to the interns?
That was when social media was still new, and companies didn’t really know what to do with it. It was, you know, the dark ages.
It’s a much different story today. Social media managers, coordinators and marketers are everywhere.
An infographic from LinkedIn, Offerpop and Beutler Ink says job postings for social media positions on LinkedIn have increased a whopping 1,300 percent since 2010. Plus, more than 5 million LinkedIn users have endorsements for social media skills.
The graphic goes on to discuss the most popular social media roles, and which parts of the world are more social media savvy than others. Take a look:
The top five social media roles on LinkedIn based on the number of users with the title:
1. Social media manager (21,106 users)
2. Social media marketer (11,862 users)
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