Infographic design tips communicators must know
Good infographic design is about more than just making the image look nice. Here are some behind-the-scenes tips to ensure your visual content is tops.

Organizations are beginning to realize how important visual content is in content marketing. Infographics are suddenly very much in the marketing mix for brands and publishers.
Like all visual content, infographics make complex information comprehensible and engaging—if designed correctly. (And I don’t just mean how they look.)
These infographic design tips will help you get the most out of your visual content:
1. Establish a production process.
Whether informal or highly detailed, a production process is important. To design an infographic, you’ll likely work in a team of at least three people (client, project manager and designer). Sometimes you’ll work with a larger team. A documented production process assigns every team member clear responsibilities.
A production process increases efficiency. It easily answers questions like these: Are designers using the most up-to-date brand guidelines? Are we staying under budget? Are we going to meet the deadline?
2. Remember that good design starts at the content phase.
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