4 reasons not to confuse perks with corporate culture
Free beer on Friday and dogs in the office are nice perks, but they aren’t the only reasons your company is great. Perks should reflect company values—not the other way around.
Too often I hear company leaders or recruiters say things like, “Our culture is great. We have free lunches, employees can bring their dogs to work, and there’s free beer every day at 5p.m.”
Workplace culture does not equal perks.
Perks aren’t culture—even ridiculous perks. Culture is culture.
Culture is the way you work-the norms and values that define who you are as a business and what makes you different. It’s how you get work done, and the way you expect people to behave. Culture is your foundation. Build your business around it-including perks.
Here are four reasons you shouldn’t confuse perks with culture:
1. Perks are false promises.
Only focusing on perks is like someone promising you a gorgeous engagement ring without introducing you to the guy. If the guy sucks, the ring will only be sparkly for so long.
No one stays at a company for the perks. People stay for the boss, product, potential and work. Why waste time luring people in only to lose them after the fourth date (week)?
2. Perks can blow up in your face.
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