Do you follow the 135 rule when writing a speech?
If you’re not sure if you wrote too little or too much, use this veteran speechwriter’s rule of thumb.
It seems like an innocent question. Unfortunately, reality and experience suggest otherwise.
My general rule of thumb on speech length is to write (as a first draft) 135 words per delivered minute. Of course, exceptions abound.
In general, this 135 rule will get you in the ballpark. For a 20-minute speech, shoot for 2,700 words. For a 15-minute speech, shoot for 2,025 or somewhere around 2,000.
Problems arise on two big fronts.
First, not every speaker is the same. I used to write for an executive from Mississippi. He was a great man and leader who used to routinely deliver 89.5 words per minute. Some of that was his deliberate southern speech, but he also liked to ad-lib.
I learned to build in those factors and adjust my copy. If I didn’t, he would exceed his time limit, which has the potential to antagonize an audience.
When a speaker goes beyond his allotted time on a conference agenda, it not only frustrates the audience, but makes it harder for them to hear the speaker’s message—especially the close.
They already built in a “the speaker will stop here” mindset, and when the speaker goes past that—when he violates that audience expectation—the audience tends to tune out.
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