5 questions every employee wants answered
Want to ensure your rock star employee never leaves the company? Make sure he or she has answers to these questions.
Once you find a great employee, it is critical to invest time in conversations that focus on keeping this person on board. Below are some tips to help you retain great employees.
Employees want—and need—answers to five questions:
1. What is expected of me?
Tell your employees your business vision and goals, how their job fits in, and how they can actively participate in making the workplace successful. A purpose-driven employee is a powerful force in any organization.
2. How am I doing?
Employees want and need regular feedback, and the lack of it is one of the biggest reasons people find other jobs. Often, employees only hear from their bosses when they make a mistake.
When an employee does something that shows talent, initiative, problem solving, or success with a project or task, let him know. When you recognize and reinforce performance or behaviors, employees tend to repeat them.
It is also important for managers to promptly confront problems and provide the employee honest but respectful coaching.
3. Where do I stand?
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