Should you invest in a social media crisis plan? Take this questionnaire
This questionnaire can help you determine whether you need to ramp up your preparations for an online calamity.
The challenge is that social media crises are different from traditional crises. Things like real-time, two-way communication and viral activity all play a dominant role in a social media crisis and can be extremely stressful and overwhelming when you aren’t prepared.
My famous questionnaire
The following is a questionnaire that I give to people who are unsure whether investing in a social media crisis plan is worth their time, energy, and money.
If you’re unsure, go through the following questions, and if you answer “no” to three or more, then your organization is vulnerable to a social media crisis, and you would benefit from investing in a strategic and targeted social media crisis management plan.
Note: The terms brand, company, and organization are used interchangeably within this questionnaire.
So, how did you do? Did you answer “no” to three or more questions? If so, it may be time to invest in a crisis management plan that will help prepare your company for online attacks.
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