5 ways to make your employees happier
If you want happier employees, listen to some sound advice from The Great Place To Work Institute.
Has the magazine gone soft? Or have American companies gotten hip to the fact that happiness is serious business?
When we talk about happiness at work, we’re talking about many of the same things that we consider when building great workplaces or increasing employee engagement.
Sure, the concept may be totally new to some, and perhaps referring to it as “happiness” is deliberately intended to be a little polemic, but many companies are already bought into employee happiness, even if they’re not referring to it as such.
Here’s my high-level summary on how companies can have happier employees.
Make your employees happier by giving them these five things:
1. A sense of meaning. Whether on the widget-line or in the executive suite, every employee feels happier knowing that their hard work benefits not just the business but the larger world.
2. Opportunities for growth. People are happier when they are learning, and they are happier doing their jobs when they have continuous opportunities to grow. A lot of those people are even happier when they know that growth is helping them get to the next rung on their desired career ladder … or lattice.
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