The 2 major marketing sins companies commit
Don’t think research is important? Ignore marketing basics? It’s time to change your ways, or pay for your sins.
It struck me that for-profit firms commit these sins too—all the time. Do you agree?
Sin 1: You don’t ground your marketing planning/communications in research.
Symptomatic of this sin is the executive who says, “We don’t need to do any research. We know our audience/market/customer because we’ve been doing this for a long time.”
This is a very dangerous assumption in an age when things are constantly changing.
There’s another aspect of this sin that is particularly galling to people in the PR business. Clients never fail to grouse about their lack of measurement capabilities, yet few spring for benchmark research about their firm and their competitors.
It’s a pity because research doesn’t need to be expensive. Google Analytics has a host of website and social media measurement tools, while Survey Monkey has made online surveys affordable for all.
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