7 simple yet common press release mistakes
You devoted a bunch of time and effort to writing a great press release, but if you relied too heavily on spell check, you may have overlooked a few simple mistakes.
Now imagine this: You spend hours and finally have it worded exactly the way you want it. You send it off and cross your fingers hoping for good coverage.
Then you reread it, and guess what. You notice that you made a number of language mistakes. Your shoulders slump, and you slap your palm against your forehead, realizing you just wasted time and money. Save yourself all the heartache by avoiding these common press release proofreading mistakes:
1. Misspelling names. Why is this such a common mistake? Simply put, spell check won’t pick up mistakes with names. So you could spell someone’s name three different ways in your press release, hit the spell check button, and be none the wiser.
2. Mixing up homophones. Homophones (or homonyms) are words that sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings. For example: to, too, and two. Again, the spell check will not pick up an error in homophones every time because they are all real words.
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