And the winner of our #RaganDisney Twitter contest is …
We asked our readers to share which social media term they’d named their child after. The top answer got a free registration to our Disney conference.
We held a Twitter contest today and asked our followers to share which social media term they’d named their child after. More than 400 tweets were submitted to the contest.
Oh, boy—or girl—did we receive some great responses.
Our winner tweeted this 140 character gem to #RaganDisney:
#RaganDisneyAbraham Linkedin
— PR Department (@ORMC) January 11, 2013
Congrats to the PR department at Orange Regional Medical Center (ORMC)!
The lucky winner gets one free registration to our 6th Annual Social Media for PR and Corporate Communications Conference at the Walt Disney World Resort.
(Contest winners are responsible for hotel fees and air travel.)
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