7 ways to whip up blog posts—fast
Churning out good blog posts quickly doesn’t have to be hard. Refer to this list of quick-and-easy ideas the next time you’re in a time crunch.
If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to write more blog posts every week, you probably had the same sinking feeling I had when I made that resolution: “How in the world will I ever find time to do it?”
Here are seven shortcuts for when time is at a premium:
1. Answer frequently asked questions.
Every time someone emails a question about your product, service, industry or expertise, save the question and answer in a Word document. At the beginning of every month, open the document, cut and paste, and write a quick post about the frequently asked questions.
If you receive a lot of questions, you can group them by topic. Each topic can be a separate post. This is a perfect task for an assistant.
2. List must-read articles on a topic.
If you have Google Alerts, you regularly get a lot of helpful articles in your inbox. If you’re on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn and frequently click on links to articles others share, you might feel like you’re drinking all that great content from a fire hose.
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