Best Employee Annual Report

USACE builds a solid, informative report for its workforce

From the disasters of 2011 to colonial New England and everything between, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers report spotlights achievements and effort.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District - Logo -

The New England Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has a big job, being responsible for a 66,000-square-mile region encompassing the six New England states: 6,100 miles of coastline, 13 major river basins, and thousands of miles of rivers and streams. Its duties require a major effort from a workforce of 500 civilians, and the USACE’s 2011 Employee Annual Report celebrates a team effort on everyone’s part—winning first place in Ragan’s 2012 Employee Communications Awards in the Best Employee Annual Report category.

The report, “2011: A Year in Review; Building Strong,” highlights employee achievements across 20 colorful and information-filled pages that show and tell: images of soldiers and civilians, helicopters conducting surveys, disaster response in the wake of Hurricane Irene, district park rangers in colonial uniform, and much more.

The report includes news of regulatory activities, district awards and accomplishments, and the passing of the flag from one district commander to the next. The pages have a simple, easy-to-read design with lots of eye-catching images, and the text is workmanlike without drawing attention to itself. Not flashy but definitely informative, the report does its job of honoring the workforce while offering employees useful stories that contribute to their future work. Editor Ann Marie Harvie and her staff have done the USACE proud.

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