8 ways #RaganChat can benefit savvy communicators

What can taking a break from pitching, content creation and client meetings do for you? Here’s what you can get out of an hour on Twitter with a crowd of like-minded pros.

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Communicators have busy schedules.

Just when we think we’ve got it handled, bang! Another task is added to our list.

So, how in the world would you have time for a Twitter chat?

I used to think that a Twitter chat would be just a waste of time, but I kept hearing about them and how beneficial they could be. Could it hurt to try one out?

One Tuesday afternoon, I joined #RaganChat. My expectations were low: Could I figure out how to participate? What would I say? Would it be worth my hour?

Other participants were welcoming and I thought, “Maybe this won’t be as bad as I thought.”

I started tuning in every week. I learned things, made friends and got hooked.

[RELATED: Make sure your team is up to date on the latest skills, strategies and practices. Learn more about Ragan Training.]

Here are several ways participating in #RaganChat can benefit you:

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