8 traits of top employees
Are you resourceful, loyal and confident? If so, your skills are in demand. See if you possess all the traits on this list.
Companies of all shapes and sizes are now facing higher levels of uncertainty and considerably fewer resources to spend on even top-priority initiatives. The result has been a growing significance of a certain type of employee: dynamic, consistently effective, endlessly useful, and enjoyable to work with.
These people can be hard to spot in advance, but when you have one working for you, you know it right away. At ReWork, we’ve found that these indispensable employees tend to share eight common traits.
Here they are, along with some advice on how you can uncover them:
1. Resourcefulness
The ability to (quickly) find, unlock, and mobilize resources (i.e. money, expertise, skills, support) in order to plan, pivot, evaluate, execute, or scale a project.
The information age has been upon us for some time now. Anything we could ever hope to know is at our fingertips, including best practices, trouble-shooting guides, top 10 lists, and the Twitter handles of people who are far more experienced than we are. But not everyone can access this information equally. Most are still overwhelmed in this sea of knowledge.
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