7 elements of a persuasive, memorable presentation
Open with one big idea, use visual aids to crystallize crucial information, and close with a strong call to action.

No matter how many times you’ve done it, presenting in front of peers, clients, colleagues or strangers is a nerve-wracking challenge.
It’s difficult—but not impossible—to convey information in a succinct, engaging and persuasive manner. Here are seven proven tips that will help you get great audience response:
1. Make the first 30 seconds count.
Inexperienced presenters often waste their crucial opening moments with boring introductions and agendas. Seasoned presenters deliver the big idea up front.
Try to state one big “headline” message within the first 30 seconds of your presentation. Share a big idea for listeners to absorb and internalize.
Write this idea in one memorable and specific sentence. Turn that big idea or takeaway into the hook of your presentation.
Use an opening story, surprising fact, joke or personal anecdote to pique your listeners’ interest and lead into your big idea. Whichever opening tactic you try, just grab your audience’s attention immediately.
2. Compare and contrast your solution with the status quo.
By presenting the drawbacks of the status quo before suggesting your solution, you’ll help your audience understand the scope of the problem you’re confronting.
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