5 ways to improve your internal PR strategy
Internal PR could make or break your external strategy. Here’s how to do it right.
We hear a lot about best practices for external PR these days. Articles, blog posts, podcasts, books and a host of other references all have articles with endless tips.
These are all excellent references for us to read and digest. They identify meaningful advice and observations we can practice to become more effective PR practitioners.
As I gaze around the digital PR ecosphere, there is one thing that always stumps me about PR advice. Why don’t people write more about effective internal PR as the foundation for external strategies?
It seems logical that if you can’t get a grasp on internal PR, external campaigns could be a lot more difficult to execute.
Here are five tips to strengthen your internal PR strategy:
1. Hold regular PR meetings.
Scheduling PR meetings helps keep communication open between you and your front-line staff—usually customer service and sales—on what PR projects are currently running or will soon launch. Plus, team members can offer feedback on external projects or discuss results that may otherwise slip by you.
Tip: Use these meetings as internal focus groups to test new ideas or brainstorm about resources.
2. Share new PR materials with employees.
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