5 things you must communicate during a layoff
Layoffs are horrible for everyone involved, but there are a few ways to make them a little less painful. Above all, be honest.
While the economy seems to be on the mend, there are still many companies struggling to remain solvent. As such, companies that cannot find ways to cut back are moving to lay off employees.
Layoffs aren’t easy for employers or employees. No one wins in these situations. The only upside is the business will extend its life at the expense of employee jobs.
There is a way to somewhat ensure assumptions, gossip and miscommunications don’t make an already difficult situation worse, and that is to communicate truthfully and regularly.
Be as honest as possible
In business, we talk a lot about being transparent. A layoff is one of those times where preaching about transparency will not help—you have to act the part.
As a manager, you may not be able to divulge all the information regarding a pending layoff. However, once you start to discuss the potential for layoffs and request employees justify the necessity of every task they perform, you open a Pandora’s box of worry.
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