5 steps to create a killer social media monitoring strategy
Unsure of exactly how to listen and monitor what your audience is saying? Here’s a helpful guide.
In years past, small business marketers hesitated to jump on the social media train. They didn’t recognize the value of collecting fans and followers.
Today, the value of social media is apparent to brands everywhere. Countless companies, large and small, are mastering the art of social media monitoring. They see how engaging and connecting with their audiences provides measureable marketing results.
Follow these five steps to create a stellar social media marketing strategy.
1. Decide on your objectives.
How will social media monitoring help your business? Monitoring objectives can cover a range of activities. For example:
Think of social media monitoring as your earpiece to catch relevant chatter in the digital marketplace.
2. Fine-tune your tracking.
If you are in the sporting goods business, tracking keywords such as retail won’t give you a targeted portrait of who is trying to find you.
You’ll get a more detailed search picture if you follow specific words and phrases such as sporting goods, sports apparel, or the types of sporting equipment your business offers.
Your tracking should also include specific promotions, your company, products or services, and your brand’s spokespeople.
3. Find the right tools.
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