5 quick tips to up your presentation game

How you can raise your presentation skills to heighten the impact of their messages—and give your career a boost in the process.

Ragan Insider Premium Content

Kristin Graham, founder and self-appointed chief word nerd at Unlock the Brain, knows a thing or two about how to rock the stage. For the past several years, the Ragan team has been fortunate enough to have Graham host several of our in-person conferences, where she commands the crowd with her internal comms knowledge and giddy, effortlessly cool wit.

While hosting Ragan’s Employee Communications and Culture Awards this past April, Graham shared some tips for how communicators can raise their presentation skills to heighten the impact of their messages—and give their careers a boost in the process.

Here’s what we learned.

Graham began by saying that every effective presentation answers the questions: What do you want the audience to know, feel and do?

“That’s how you get the stickiness in the content you’re creating,” she said.

After making slides you feel good about, Graham recommends deleting 10% of them.

“If I were really being honest, I’d say delete 30%,” she confessed.

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