5 major benefits of guest blogging
Your posts are brilliant, but no one is reading them. Why not? Because nobody knows your blog exists. Here’s how to fix that.
You’ve spent countless hours producing content on your blog, you’ve tried marketing on social networks, and you even have your mom sharing it with her friends.
At the end of the day, though, it seems there’s an impenetrable wall keeping you from growing your blog. Maybe the problem is that you’re missing one extremely important ingredient: guest posting.
1. Guest posting builds relationships with other (influential) bloggers.
Let’s face it: It’s pretty difficult to get the attention of Brian Clark (Copyblogger) or Darren Rowse (Problogger). Relentlessly tweeting content from their blogs, though probably appreciated, isn’t going to grab their attention, given that they routinely get thousands of shares for every new post.
One of the best ways to build relationships with influential bloggers—even big names like Brian Clark and Darren Rowse—is to flat-out make their jobs easier. You can do that by providing quality content for their blogs in the form of guest posts. If you can bring new lines of thought to influential blogs, appeal to their readers, and generate traffic and loyalty, then you’re providing value to that blogger.
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