4 tips for launching a successful international PR campaign
Follow these suggestions to avoid committing a cultural gaffe.
Follow these suggestions to avoid committing a cultural gaffe
You’re the owner of a widget factory and you think that your products are perfect for the people of Canada, Central America, the Amazon Basin, Sub-Saharan Africa or perhaps the Indian subcontinent. You’re ready to take on the world, but how do you make sure the world doesn’t take you out? Here are some tips for launching an international PR campaign:
1. Do your homework. In large companies, market researchers will test market your product, but if you’re a small business owner, you probably don’t have the luxury of a dedicated team of market researchers. Still, it would be even worse to prepare an international launch only to find out afterward that the people you targeted maintain an intense hatred for rain galoshes, and besides, it only rains three days out of the year there.
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