10 tips to start being bold at work
Envision a friendly audience, realize that what you say has merit, and, for Pete’s sake, stop using weasel words.
I’m working on being bold, whether it’s in a one-on-one conversation or in a presentation. In the past, I’ve often watered down what I’ve said in order to avoid upsetting anyone. And I’m not alone.
Many of the people that I coach are concerned about being too bold. As a result, they dilute their message so much that they have zero impact on their audience.
Cultivate an attitude of boldness
Being bold is not something that you can pull out of a hat when you’re giving a presentation or speech. You need to develop an attitude of speaking out in your day-to-day life. Otherwise you won’t develop the courage to be bold in your presentations. Practice saying what’s on your mind when you’re with just one other person or in a small group.
I’ve found blogging to be extremely useful in helping me be bold. Some posts I’ve written have taken me some time to publish because of my fear, but having done so, I’m bolder. Here are some thoughts to help you develop an attitude of boldness in everyday life.
1. Stop being nice.
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