10 tips to perfect your PR pitch
It’s not all about the pitch itself (though that’s vital). Establishing relationships and knowing a thing or two about online traffic and SEO help, too.
In search of the best pitching advice, I have attended a few seminars on the topic and compiled a list of what elements media folk consider to be the most important components of a pitch.
1. Do your research on the journalists and publications that you want to pitch. Don’t waste the journalist’s time—and your own—by pitching irrelevant stories. Though this may seem obvious, you’d be surprised how often it happens. To avoid doing this, find them on social media, and learn their interests and what they’ve been writing about.
2. Stop broadcasting, and start building relationships. Think: How am I going to target my key people? Tailor your pitches to key journalists instead of just blasting the same message to everyone. A bonus: Once you’ve built a relationship you can ask questions like, “Why didn’t you cover my last pitch?” “What can I do to get my client covered?” “Is there a story coming up that might be a good fit for my client?” You can strengthen these relationships by offering helpful tips and useful information. Remind the journalist of any previous occasions that you’ve worked together.
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