10 things your boss never wants to hear
These taboo utterances can cast you as irresponsible, immature, or ill-equipped to handle your responsibilities, says Monster.com. (Psssst! Don’t be that person.)
The problem often is that they’re unwittingly saying and doing things that communicate to the boss that they’re incompetent, uncooperative, or immature—qualities no boss likes in an employee.
Don’t want to be that employee? Then steer clear of saying these things that are sure to put any boss in a bad mood.
3. “There must have been some miscommunication.” “Because all businesses are so competitive these days, bosses cannot afford to have employees costing the company a big client or critical contract because of their poor communications,” says Anita Bruzzese author of “45 Things You Do That Drive Your Boss Crazy—And How to Avoid Them.” Different bosses have different informational needs, so find out what your bosses are, and then be sure to meet them. “Being a good communicator is critical for the success of a company, a boss—and an employee’s career.”
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