10 marketing terms that have lost their meaning
These words and phrases are bandied about with diminishing specificity. Don’t fall into that trap. Be sure you say what you mean and mean what you say.
The following 10 words or phrases are so overused or misused in B2B marketing that they have lost nearly all meaning. If you are using these terms today, it is time to stop and explain what you really mean.
Otherwise, we may hear you, but we will think you mean something completely different.
1. Thought leadership
Almost any type of content has been labeled thought leadership marketing in recent years. Unfortunately, much of it reflects zero thought and leads nowhere.
If you use the term thought leadership, explain what you want to be seen as a leader in. Is it perspectives on where your industry is going, best practices, or technical expertise? Clarity is crucial.
2. Integrated
“Sure, we can add a Twitter icon to our email. Should it link to somewhere?”
To some people, this is an example of integrating their disparate marketing efforts. To others, integration means something far bigger and more challenging to execute.
3. Strategy
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