10 key questions for gauging employee satisfaction

A hefty paycheck is not enough these days to retain talent. Regular surveys provide valuable feedback for enhancing workplace culture, career growth opportunities and other key factors.

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Employee satisfaction is crucial, but the path to improving it isn’t always straightforward.

Factors such as motivation, career growth, compensation and team morale influence how satisfied your employees feel.

A crucial factor in improving employee satisfaction—and thus productivity—is to continually gauge satisfaction levels. Nine out of 10 (89%) HR leaders agree that ongoing peer feedback and check-ins are essential for successful outcomes. A  targeted survey helps you collect such feedback—and the results can be surprising.

For example, most employers think a salary increase is the best way to satisfy employees, but 84% of working professionals in the UK believe that enjoying their jobs is a better measure of career success.

[RELATED: Make sure your team is up to date on the latest skills, strategies and practices. Learn more about Ragan Training.]

Another survey, by Udemy, found that 42% of millennial employees consider learning and development as the most important benefit when deciding where to work.

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